Monday, January 7, 2013

Week of Jan. 7-11

Due Tuesday, Jan. 8
In JE #37/left, rewrite the love letter from Zelda to Egore (below, in blue) letter correctly. There aren't any spelling errors, just punctuation problems.
Due Wednesday, Jan. 9
RD Map due in Journal 
Due Thursday, Jan. 10
RD Dinner Party due in Journal 
Due Friday, Jan. 11
FD Map is due in color and ink
Journal Grading for Journal #4!

dear egore i want a boyfriend who knows what love is all about you are generous kind  and thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being silly and immature you have ruined me for other boyfriends I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours 

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