Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week of Jan. 14-18

Due Tues., Jan. 15
Lit Letter (RD ok)
Due Wed., Jan. 16
Journals for Journal Grading! Really!
Due Thurs., Jan. 17
1. Prewriting Chart
2. FD Dinner Party:
  • Invitation
  • Menu,
  • Seating Chart
  • Narrative (at least 200 words
Due Fri., Jan. 18
RD Essay

Before you even start writing an essay, try doing RAFT to figure out what you're supposed to write about:

Role: Who are you as you write? Usually, it's just you, the student
Audience: Who will be reading your essay?
Format: What kind of essay is it?
Topic: In one sentence, what is the topic you're essay will be about?

Today in class we discussed writing a five paragraph essay.
A five-paragraph essay is like a hamburger: top bun, three layers, bottom bun.

Paragraph #1 = Introduction
  • Hook: Grab your reader's attention, but avoid questions. See below for other ways to write hooks.
  • Thesis Statement = TOPIC   +    YOUR POSITION ON THE TOPIC
  • Brief Preview = a brief indication of what's to come in each body paragraph

Paragraphs #2-#3-#4 = Body Paragraphs
  • Topic sentence 
  • At least three examples from the text, details, facts, etc. that support your topic sentence

Paragaraph #5  = Conclusion
  • Refer back to the thesis statement, but use different words!
  • Add one strong, final thought. Avoid questions or "You should..."

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