Friday, January 18, 2013

Want Extra Credit? Explore Anne's Life...

.Below is some basic information about Anne.
Check out the links on the left hand side of the page (Anne Frank Links) for more specific information.

Scroll down to the bottom of this post (under Miep's pictures) for Extra Credit opportunities.

Anne Frank (1929-1945)

Visit the Anne Frank Museum. Explore her history, the Secret Annexe, and find out who's who.

Go to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C. and visit the virtual exhibition on Anne's Writing. . Click on "Launch the Exhibition."  You need Adobe Flash Player.


Anne's story could have never been told if Miep had not risked her life to help the people in hiding. Read more about Miep's story at:

For Extra Credit: 

  • Visit at least three links and investigate Anne's and/or Miep Gies's life.
  • You can visit the the links on this page or choose from the left hand column under "Anne Frank Links."
  • Write down one fact from each site. Be sure to let me know which facts are from which site.
  • Email your list to me at :
  • Write "Anne Frank" in the subject line.

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