Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Table of Contents: Journal #1

Get ready for Wednesday's Journal Grading. Make sure you can answer yes to all these questions:

  • Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
  • Is my table of contents neat and complete?
  • Is each page titled?
  • Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
  • Is every assignment complete?
  • Is every single page  numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.?
  • Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
  • Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?

To see the complete table of contents for Journal #1, please visit this previous post at this link:

Monday, September 24, 2012

MW 31-40

For those of you not doing quizlet.com flashcards, I've posted them here for you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

In class today, I misspoke. I believe I said Yom Kippur began today. 
In Latin, I would say: mea culpa (my error). 

So, to be clear: 

Rosh Hashanah begins the night of Sunday September 16, 2012.
Yom Kippur begins the night of Tuesday September 25, 2012.

Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year festival and commemorates the creation of the world. This day is the beginning of the Jewish High Holidays, which are very sacred in Jewish tradition. 


Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement (atonement = an act or deed that pays for a wrongdoing)

Yom Kippur, the most sacred and solemn day of the Jewish year, brings the Days of Repentance to a close. As well as fasting for 25 hours, Jews spend the day in prayer, asking for forgiveness and resolving to behave better in the future.

For extra credit, email me at cware@ojaiusd.org and tell me one fact you learned from each link. Make sure you are clear about which fact is for which holiday.
In the subject line, make sure to put your name (first and last). 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Journal Check List:

  • Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
  • Is my table of contents neat and complete?
  • Is each page titled?
  • Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
  • Is every assignment complete?
  • Is every single page  numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.?
  • Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
  • Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?


JE #
Pretest: MW 1-10
Vocab. Story: Use MW 1-10 in a vocab.story; maximum length = 150 words
Practice Test: MW 1-10
Think Symbols (notes)
"7th Grade":
Comic Strip (color invited but not required)
Pretest: MW 11-20
Which Witch:
Homophone WS (both sides)
Mneumonic Devices for MW 11-20
(words and pictures)
Practice Test: MW 11-20
Pretest: MW 21-30
--Letter Info
--RD Letter
MW 21-30 Activity Sheet

Practice Test: MW 21-30
SDB Q's (handout)
SD\B A's (written underneath handout in complete sentences)
Pretest: MW 31-40
--MW 31-40 Crossword
--Left/Right hand writing (underneath)
K'van Certificiate Info
RD Certificate (two versions)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monster Words 11-20

MW 11-20

1. When I met my true love, it was kismet.

2. My brother is lackadaisical about his chores, so he always gets in trouble.

3. Maggy gave me elevendy bazillion dollars. She's ever so magnanimous!

4. Your aqua  shirt and my turquoise shirt have just a nuance of difference      between them in terms of their blueness.

5. "Zelda, quit yelling! You're so obstreperous!" Egore screamed.

6. The shark jaw, discovered by a famous paleoichthyologist, was 20 feet wide.

7. The quixotic dog stared out the window, wishing she could go outside and chase cats.

8. "It's just a ruse! You tricked me!" cried Egore. 

9. My neighbor, who is a somnambulist, walked all the way to Ventura in his

10. The taciturn alien refused to provide critical information to her captor.

Study! Test on Friday, Sept. 14.

For extra credit, email me at cware@ojaiusd.org with the answer to this question:
This sentence has something special about it. Some men interpret nine memos.What's special about it, and what's the
term used to describe it? Make sure to write your first and last name in the subject line 
in order to receive your extra credit.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monster Words 1-10

Monster Words 1-10

You have your own fabulous flash cards, but you can do a variety of activities with these online flash cards to learn your words thoroughly.

Study for tomorrow's test. Please know: spelling, definition, and part of speech.

Don't be scared. Monster Words aren't that  horrifying.
For extra credit, email Ms. Ware at cware@ojaiusd.org. In the subject line write: Frankenstein. Make sure you tell me who you are in the message.
Go to "Choose A Study Mode" at the bottom right and explore the possibilities.