Thursday, October 25, 2012

Journal Grading!

We'll be grading Journal #2 on Tuesday, 10/30. 

Make sure you can answer yes to each question below:

  • Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
  • Is my table of contents neat and complete?
  • Is each page titled?
  • Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
  • Is every assignment complete?
  • Is every single page  numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.?
  • Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
  • Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?

Journal #2 Table of Contents

JE #11
EPOS Self-Test
    Sentences by Definition
JE #12
Practice Test: 31-40
JE #13
Pretest: 41-50
Vocab Work 41-50
JE #14
Rat's POV RD
JE #15
+5/-5 Chart: 3SK
Please edit in a bright color!
JE #16
MW 1-50 Crossword
MW 1-50 Clues
JE #17
MW Foursquare (POS)
List of 10: TZ
JE #18
List of 10: "Eye of the Beholder"
TZ Foursquare (camera shots)
JE #19
P. 88, 1-11
JE #20
TQ's:  "Monsters"

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