Monday, October 29, 2012

HW: Week of 10/29

TZ Parent Letter:

                                                                                                                               Oct. 29, 2012
Dear Mom (Dad, Auntie, etc.),
This week, we're starting our TZ Project in Ms. Ware's class. She wants me to let you know a few things about this project ahead of time.
If you have any questions, please email her at
  • Some of the work we do for this project will be done outside of class. Over the course of the next two weeks, I might need a ride or two to one of my group member's houses for practice and/or filming.
  • Do we have a video camera and/or a video editing program on our computer? If so, would it be possible for us to use it on our project?
Since having you read this letter is tonight's HW, would you please sign and date it at the bottom so I can get credit for sharing it with you? Thank you!

Due Tuesday, 10/30
Signed/dated TZ Parent Letter
TZ Story Cards
Due Wednesday, 10/31
None--if EVERYBODY has his/her journal on Tuesday for grading.
Due Thursday, 11/1
Journals for Grading
Due Friday, 11/2
RD Self-Eval letter

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