Monday, February 25, 2013

HW for the week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1; Comma Rules

Due Tues., 2/26
Blogwork: Commas
  • In JE #51/left, rewrite the sentences below (1-20). 
  • IN COLOR, add commas where needed and leave out any unnecessary commas.
  • Comma rules and examples are listed below the sentences.
Due Wed., 2/27
No HW. Great job on your Anne scenes!
Due Thurs., 2/28
RD Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letters
Due Fri., 3/1
FD Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letters

Comma Work
Due: Tuesday, 2/26

  • In JE #51/left, rewrite the sentences below (1-20). 
  • IN COLOR, add commas where needed and leave out any unnecessary commas.
  • Comma rules and examples are listed below the sentences.

Comma Rules

compound sentence
(comma before FANBOYS, which is joining the two independent clauses)
Zelda chased Egore, but he got away.
Frogs, lizards, and toads make excellent pets.
introductory elements
Yes, I love school
complex sentence
(when independent clause comes first)
Although I love school, summer is pretty darn fun.
My aunt, however, loves to bake.
nouns of direct address
Call me, Zelda, if you want to have lunch.
Zelda, call me if you want to have lunch.
(a noun or phrase that identifies the thing preceding it)
Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, lived about 500 B.C.

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