Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of Dec. 10-14

Due Tuesday, Dec. 11
-Journal Grading (instead of Monday)
-Make  sure your comic strips for Ch. 1-6 are
  finished and in color!
Due Wed., Dec. 12
Due Thurs., Dec. 13
 Subordinating Conjunctions Test
Due Friday, Dec. 14
 -FD 1960's Interview; Dance Day

Please have "Nothing Gold Can Stay" memorized by Friday, January 4.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

by Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf's a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Journal #3: Grading is on Friday, Dec. 7

Journal Grading Checklist:

  • Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
  • Is my table of contents neat and complete?
  • Is each page titled?
  • Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
  • Is every assignment complete?
  • Is every single page  numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.)?
  • Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
  • Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?

  • Journal #3 Table of Contents:

    50 New Concepts (that you learned in Tri #1)
    Make sure you actually have 50!!!
    TZ Info
    TZ Calendar
    TZ Job Page
    TZ Plot Triangle
    Self-Eval. Letter Info
    Cornell Notes: King Arthur
    Movie Poster Info
    RD Movie Poster
    Review Crossword for Tri #1 Test
    Book Day Sheet:
    Both sides must be complete.
    1960's Life
    Compound Sentence WS
    Complex Sentence WS
    1960's Interview Questions
    Interview Q's (cont'd)
    Q's #1-6
     Character Chart (in color)    
       Circles   = groups to which you belong
       Square  = groups at MJHS
       Triangle = groups to which you'd like to belong,
                              now or in the future
    --Ch. 1-4 Worksheet
    --Thought Questions 1-10 from Blog
       (answer in complete sentences)

    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Week of Dec. 3-7

    HW for the Week:

    Due Tuesday, Dec. 4
    --Complete worksheet:  Outsiders, Ch. 1-4
       Flippy worksheet on top of "Groups" on
       JE #30/Right 

    --Answer Thought Questions  for Ch. 1-4 in
      complete sentences; answer them on back of
      JE #30/right

    --FANBOYS test (oral)
    Due Wednesday, Dec. 5
    Get Journal ready for grading
    Due Thursday, Dec. 6
    Due Friday, Dec. 7
    Journal Grading

    Due Thursday, Dec. 13:    Oral Test on Subordinating Conjunctions

     Thought Questions: Outsiders, Ch. 1-4:
    •  Please answer these questions in complete sentences on the back of JE #30/Right. 
    •  On #2, it's a chart, so you don't have to answer in complete sentences.
    •  You DON'T have to write the question.
    • They'll be a continuation of JE #30/Right, not a brand new JE.  
    1. Why is Ponyboy so determined to stay out of trouble with the police?  What is he most afraid of losing?

    2. Make a chart showing the differences between Socs and Greaser. Have at least five items on each side.

    3. Why does Ponyboy think Darry doesn’t like  him? Is he right or wrong? How do you know? Why does Darry act the way he does toward Pony?

    4. On page 40, Cherry and Pony have a discussion about watching sunsets. Pony considers 

        this, and realizes they both watched the same sunset from opposite sides of town. Why is
        this important? What do you think the sunset might symbolize?
    5. Why does Pony drop the broken bottle in the first encounter in the park with the Socs?

    6. Children are often said to be reflections of their parents. Based on Pony’s description of his parents, what similarites do you see between the Curtis boys and their parents?  What differences do you see?

    7. Do you beleive you’re like your parents? In what ways? In what ways are you different?

    8. What does Darry do that shocks and upsets Pony? How does Pony react? Where does he go? 

    9. Why do the boys turn to Dally after the incident in the park in Ch. 4?

    10. What do you think Pony's premonition in the church at the end of Ch. 4 might foreshadow?